Sunday, September 26, 2010

SmARTyShorts! */:)


 e·vince  /ɪˈvɪns/ [ih-vins] 

–verb (used with object),e·vinced, e·vinc·ing. show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove. reveal the possession of (a quality, trait, etc.).

Use evince in a Sentence

“Such loyalists not only have no documentary knowledge of the subject, but evince no understanding of Inga Arvad.”  [Nigel Hamilton, JFK Reckless Youth, Notes pg 846.]

“You sent an email…evincing an interest in me.  Here I am.”

"By the way, last night you evinced an interest in Señor Ugarte." Captain Renault

1600–10; < L ēvincere to conquer, overcome, carry one's point, equiv. to ē- e- + vincere to conquer


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